Why I got aggravated and blew out my blog was I was working in trying to post a new article on Saturday the 25th of August and when I copied the info from a news site that I was wanting to post on my blog the text got way out of align and I worked on that for several hours trying to fix that, unfortunately for me, I have no knowledge of HTML or XML or any of those types of markup languages so as I sat there in my computer chair my back was aching more and more, and any of you who know me, know that I have severe back problems anyways plus severe Migraine headache problems so this whole thing was being more than a pain in the arse than I was willing to tolerate, and me being old and in pain, I just said the heck with it and blew out my blog. That pretty much sums it up so for any of you, I am sorry if you expected something more from me, maybe if I didn't have these problems, maybe things would be different.
Sorry!!!! A Guy's Got To Know His Limitations. So from now on I am just back to commenting on different ones blogs, I hope that you can all except that.
Update: Text alignment problem figured out the information that a friend sent to me via email said that I must choose yes for Enable float alignment ( Yes / No ) I had it set on No because I had no idea what that meant, I thought for a moment that it allowed the text to slide all over the place and I didn't want that to happen so I set it to no.
Geez do I feel like an idiot. LOL