AFP/File Photo:
soldiers on patrol in Karbala. The US
military said it will...
Mon Oct 29, 3:44 AM ET
The US military prepared on Monday to transfer the security of the central Shiite province of Karbala to Iraqi forces at a ceremony attended by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.
Maliki went to Karbala on Sunday evening for the ceremony.
The handover was being held amid tight security in a sports stadium in Karbala, which now becomes the eighth of Iraq's 18 provinces to be transferred to Iraqi control.The province, some 80 kilometres (50 miles) south of Baghdad, is relatively peaceful compared to some other central and western regions of Iraq, but is emerging as a flashpoint of Shiite rivalry.
Karbala, home to the shrines of two of Shiite Islam's most revered imams -- Imam Hussein and Imam Abbas -- was the site of a bloody firefight in August during a major religious festival.At least 52 people were killed in the clashes between Shiite fighters and police as tens of thousands of pilgrims marked the anniversary of a 12th century imam.
On Saturday, Karbala governor Akhil al-Khazali told AFP that his forces were prepared to take over the control of the province from the US military.The other Iraqi provinces handed over by US-led forces to date are Maysan, Muthanna, Dhi Qar and Najaf in the central and southern regions and the three northern Kurdish provinces of Arbil, Dohuk and Sulaimaniyah.
This is going well, the U.S. Military given the proper time to see to it that the Iraqi Forces are able to handle a little bit more each time.
Just goes to show that the lunatic left don't know diddly squat never has never will, huhhh the left or otherwise known as the DUMB party.
I think you analyzed this as a positive step in the Iraq war, and the failure of the MSM to consider this a small and continued victory on the WOT.
Bad news for the left I'd say in there attempts to make Buh look like the devil. Good post Phil and glad to hear your stories on Blogsteins radio gig. .Fun stuff
I read about this a day or so ago. It's been a madhouse around here. Glad you posted about it. The MSM never say anything good, but, you know, it's not all because of a liberal bias although that's a given, too. It's just the fact that good news doesn't sell.
We have another war in our history that has often been called Hearst's Little War. Apparently strife makes money in the news field.
Given the number of years since that conflict, I would say the MSM has learned that lesson only partially. It sells only if what's being said is interesting and new. The ranting and raving of the leftist media begins to pall very quickly.
The news is SO good the MSM and Lefties can't stand it. Bad news, Front Page. Good news, back of the paper if they post it at all.
The media are ignoring any and all good news about the War in Iraq.
I cannot stress enough how important it is to get this news out. Why? Because the ummah are waiting to see "the will of Allah."
This news has caught the MSM totally unprepared. They have bought into their own BS and are at a loss to explain this latest event in Iraq.
Go over to the Fayetteville Observer website (Fayetteville, NC, which shares much of the same NC land with Fort Bragg, and look at the front page headline. They are trying to figure out what it means!!! I kid you not!
Good show, Phill. Keep at it!
Best regards!
Great post, Phil. This news should be on the front page of every newspaper but journalists don't seem to think that good news is worthy of print anymore. Besides, it would kill them to actually admit that Bush is doing anything right.
This is good news Phil, but we need to be careful and keep an eye on this province, even after we hand it back, as this is one of the areas heavily influenced by the Iranians. Don't forget the against our guys earlier this year.
more evidence that we are moving toward victory in Iraq - has got to be driving the Left absolutely nuts!
As Commander Peter Quincy Taggart said, "Never give up, never surrender!"
Great Post Phil!!
The Surge is working. 8 Provinces now have been handed over to the Iraqi's.
All of us that have REFUSED to let the Democrats and the Anti-War crowd have thier way and bring our Troops home before the Mission was Truly Accomplished have something to celebrate alright.
All of us that have driven through blizzards to get to Washington D.C. and keep the Code Pink wackos and the Cindy Sheehan and Jane Fonda bunch at bay, and yelling back for a change to this aging generation of '60's hippie leftovers have something to celebrate.
But the people who have the most to celebrate are the Troops themselves!! They will get to come home Victorious with a job well done under thier belt and our fallen having not fallen for NOTHING!
It's sad that good news doesn't sell. This is the type of story that should be plastered all over the place.. instead.. this is the first I've heard of it.
I like good news, maybe if we all let them know we like good news, they'll start showing it....Nah.... that'll never happen.
Exciting news Phil, thanks for the heads up. Hope you are feeling better soon, you know I have some of the same issues, so I feel for you.
The MSM Doesn't cover the good news because it goes against their leftist agenda.
A good post, Phil.
Indeed, the MSM won't tell us much, if at all, about the handover. And I believe it's not the first handover, either... at least one province was transferred in the past, and the MSM petulantly just placed its thumbs up its collective butt rather than report this real news. They'd rather report on a picture of some short chick giggling at a naked terrorist's tiny weenie than report news that actually matters.
They're hellbent on trying to make Americans and others think that there's nothing good coming of the removal of Saddam and his Baathtub buddies, whereas in reality things are getting better all the time. Too bad the enemy is too stupid to surrender, unlike the Germans and the Japanese, who had enough sense to know that they were screwed and had better acquiesce to the forces of good, abandoning their evil ideologies.
Never give up on our Troops! Like the Demoncraps do!!
They suck! MSM sucks! Lipturds suck!...Hated, despised, power grabbers, Bush haters, Ugly, Pomous Asses!
(sorry but they piss, me off!)
I'm sick of them!
Our troops rule!
Hi! I have nothing else to add to this commentary other than to say hello and I hope to visit more frequently!
Thanks one and all for stopping by and commenting, I value all of your comments, you are all welcome here.
Email me anytime Phil when ya put up a new post! (I'll try not to get pissed! lol ;)
Keep healthy my friend!
Phil- Great post my friend. You couldn't be more right about the lunatic left and their repeated desire for defeat. And Jenn couldn't be more right either with saying GOOD NEWS (should sell like hot cakes) Our mainstream media should be call scumbag media. You keep up the great fight of posting your blogs my friend. And when we get dad into the White House you just let me know what position you would like!! You are a great american and have nothing but our countries best interest in your heart. Thanks for all the hard work.
God Bless,
Typical media black-out on this story. That's OK: It won't be soon enough, but they'll all be out of business.
Indeed, good news. But as Vicki says- we need to be careful.
Hope you are feeling better!
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