Code Pink defaces Berkeley military recruitment office; Update: Attacks will continue, support needed
(Source at Michelle Malkins please read)
Update: I noted below that it would be nice if folks could show up and show some support for the targeted recruitment office. Reader Sandy e-mails:
I called the USMC Officer Recruiting Office at Berkeley and expressed my support to one of the recruiters. He asked how I knew about the situation, and I told him your blog was my source. He said the Pinkos vowed they would be back on the weekends and during the week, every week, until the office is shut down. They went to the landlord of the building and have been harassing him, and he may complain to the city/mayor about it, as other building tenants do not appreciate their antics since it interferes with their businesses. The recruiter hoped that more support would come in and that the word would be spread. He said earlier this week, some Gold Star and Blue Star family members came to the office to show support. One of the family members was a father whose Marine son had died in Fallujah. A man with the Pinkos said to him, “How does it feel to have your son die for oil?” Tensions, of course, were very high and there was almost a fight. I know that I could not hold my temper (and tongue) as these Marines are doing. I despise what these harridans are doing. Question their patriotism? There’s no question about their patriotism.
Please read the rest at Michelle Malkin
(Source at Michelle Malkins please read)
Well it looks as if the Stalinists Marxist group are back at it again. Just goes to show that the Leftists don't belong here in the United States ship them to Russia or China where they can live in a happy dictatorship that they love so much.By Michelle Malkin • October 5, 2007 10:03 AM
Update: I noted below that it would be nice if folks could show up and show some support for the targeted recruitment office. Reader Sandy e-mails:
I called the USMC Officer Recruiting Office at Berkeley and expressed my support to one of the recruiters. He asked how I knew about the situation, and I told him your blog was my source. He said the Pinkos vowed they would be back on the weekends and during the week, every week, until the office is shut down. They went to the landlord of the building and have been harassing him, and he may complain to the city/mayor about it, as other building tenants do not appreciate their antics since it interferes with their businesses. The recruiter hoped that more support would come in and that the word would be spread. He said earlier this week, some Gold Star and Blue Star family members came to the office to show support. One of the family members was a father whose Marine son had died in Fallujah. A man with the Pinkos said to him, “How does it feel to have your son die for oil?” Tensions, of course, were very high and there was almost a fight. I know that I could not hold my temper (and tongue) as these Marines are doing. I despise what these harridans are doing. Question their patriotism? There’s no question about their patriotism.
This is just gone too far and if the Left ever thinks about ever getting into office they better control these leftist lunatics of their party.
Please read the rest at Michelle Malkin
I have had enough of Code Pink.
It wouldnt surprise me one bit that if the car in front of me is wearing a pink ribbon that says Code Pink on it, that It wont be found in a ditch somewhere :-)
These people are disgusting but I'm glad they are now willing to openly display their true hatred of our military. When Code Pink and other anti-military groups first started, they deceived a lot of people into thinking they were just peace loving, anti-war groups - and a lot of the top Dems aligned themselves with them. And it's coming back to bit them in the butt. I find it amusing. Very amusing.
sorry....that should read "it's coming back to BITE them in the butt"...LOL
Why cant these Morons leave the American Flag OUT of Politics?
Either wear one or dont, just dont try and exuse not wearing one for some rediculous protest against the war when you are running to be the Commander-In-Cheif of our armed forces!
How much more ignorant can this guy get?
If he never wore one in the first place, nobody would have even noticed. But by making a big deal about it, and then saying how patriotic that is, he is just showing himself to be (a) shallow, (b) stupid, and (c) self-centered. Not to mention arrogant, asinine, and airheaded. I could go on and on, this is kinda fun. But the one thing he is not, is patriotic.
Wild Phil,
When you get some time, can you please point out the differences between Stalinist principles and Marxist principles? I'm afraid that your readers may not be aware of the subtleties. It appears from your posts and your comments to mine that you have a firm grasp on 19th and 20th century intellectual history.
Thanks Phil
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