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Monday, October 8, 2007

Moonbat protester at Walter Reed: “My union made me come here;” Plus: Revolt against Code Pinkos in the Bay Area…and SF mayor Gavin Newsom goes on the attack

By Michelle Malkin • October 7, 2007 08:20 AM

Update: Cinnamon Stillwell reflects on Fleet Week and panicked SF peaceniks:

Getting to watch the Blue Angels practice throughout the week is another perk for patriots living in the vicinity. There’s nothing quite like the beauty of jets flying silently in formation, that sonic boom as they pass overhead, or the thrill of a jet zooming past one’s very window.But for local liberals unaccustomed to such icky displays of militarism and residents annoyed that their daily lives of leisure are interrupted by those who, in reality, make those daily lives of leisure possible, Fleet Week is a time of terror.

I know of one such fellow who was in a virtual panic last weekend to, as he put it, “get out of town before the Blue Angels arrived!” Others remained in the war zone, but their grumbling can be overheard at the corner store, the gym, and anywhere else that San Franciscans choose to emote about their political inclinations.

The truth is San Francisco is a city that likes to pretend its favored existence has nothing to do with the generations of fighting forces that have shed blood, sweat, and tears on America’s behalf. When Supervisor Gerardo Sandoval foolishly stated on “Hannity and Colmes” in 2006 that “the United States should not have a military,” that pretty much said it all…

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of joining folks from the Gathering of Eagles and Free Republic for the weekly pro-troops rally at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

Who’s on the other side of the street with the tiny contingent of Code Pinkos protesting the war? Look for the union label!

According to FR’s Albion Wilde, at least one of them is a union worker who was told to show up. The Code Pink protest outside Walter Reed is led by one Bruce Wolf, chair of the “Social Justice Committee” of the AFL-CIO-affiliated union O.P.E.I.U. Local 2, who has referred to soldiers as “scabs:”

Mr. Wolf has written numerous wistful letters to lefty sites over the last several years, claiming his demonstration is not political, trying to increase participation — alas, without credibility, nor success. As the DC Chapter’s extensive documentation shows, their numbers have fallen off and stayed lower than the number of Free Republic troop supporters for years now, while DC Chapter’s numbers continue to grow. It’s a really hard sell, even for lefties, to protest the war in the faces of volunteer soldiers who are wounded, and Mr. Wolf is not doing well at it.

This week, in fact, the Reuters news organization ran an article headlined, “U.S. Protests Shrink While Antiwar Sentiment Grows.” Anti-war organizers feud among themselves, reporter Andy Sullivan said, “and participants question the effectiveness of the street protests.” Astonishingly, this mainstream media article at last pointed up the so-called “peace” movement leadership’s ties to the communist Worker’s World Party and its splinter, Party for Socialism and Liberation. What it doesn’t mention is the dedicated counterprotest presence of FReepers, Gathering of Eagles, Protest Warriors, Vets for Victory, MoveAmericaForward and hundreds of other grassroots groups determined not to allow another war to be won on the ground but lost by the media and Congress, as had happened in the Vietnam era.

On a related note, counterprotesters in the San Francisco Bay area are incensed by Code Pink’s vandalism and harassment at the military recruiting station in Berkeley. My friend Melanie Morgan of KSFO and MoveAmericaForward e-mails me about efforts to counterprotest the Pinko thugs:

I am posting your Lead Story on my website(s), with a call to action for the Bay Area supporters of our military men and women who are sacrificing every single day for our country.

I’m going to alert the KSFO audience on Monday when I return to the airwaves and read the deeply moving letter of response from Captain Richard Lund who is a fine example of the caliber of troops we have guarding our backs in this country and in Iraq.

After this disgusting attack at the Marine office in Shattuck Square, Captain Lund issued an open letter to the Berkeley City Council. This quote from your website touched me deeply:

"Recruiters are Traitors.” Please explain this one. How exactly am I a traitor? Was I a traitor when I joined the Marine Corps all those years ago? Is every Marine, therefore, a traitor? Was I a traitor during my two stints in Iraq? Was I a traitor when I was delivering humanitarian aid to the victims of the tsunami in Sumatra? Or do you only consider me a traitor while I am on this job?

Um, Captain Lund, the anti-war lunatics DO consider you a traitor. The rest of the world does not.

I am going to petition the City Council to enforce rules and regulation regarding criminal trespass and vandalism.

I am going to go there myself, personally, to draw attention to this hateful action by a fringe group who has absolutely NO moral authority –whose members include Susan (Medea) Benjamin, who engaged in anarchy at the WTO in Seattle, in between organizing her Code Pink Pepto-Bismol crowd who like to get naked for peace.

I do not hold out much hope from the Berkeley City Council. It is comprised of left-over Hippies from the Sixties who still think it’s the Summer of Love.

However, Mayor Tom Bates, has a distinctly different view of free speech that our military has fought valiantly for –he was convicted of stealing one thousand copies of the a conservative student-run newspaper.

According to the Stanford Daily newspaper…

“Berkeley Mayor Tom Bates has decided to plead guilty for the theft and subsequent disposal of 1,000 copies of the Nov. 4 issue of the Daily Californian, which contained an endorsement of his opponent, Shirley Dean. A month after the incident, Bates is developing legislation to prevent this type of theft from reoccurring.

Regardless of the power structure in Berkeley, we will NOT let this insult to our troops remain unanswered. Not now. Not ever.
Poor Leftists it just seems to be getting worse and worse for you all the time. Bwaahahahahahaha

See Source Here at Michelle Malkin


Always On Watch said...

Having been part of A Gathering of Eagles on March 17, my husband and I saw up close just what the Code Pink moonbats are like. They threatened us with physical attack (My husband was carrying a sign saying "Veteran"), they rocked the porta-potty I was in, they spat on us, etc. Leftistas were wearing kaffiyehs and carrying the flags of other countries. Sure, they carried American flags when they crossed Memorial Bridge--for the media. Once finished with that march, they tossed the American flags into the gutters and the trashcans. On the way to their buses, some of the leftistas rocked over the porta-potties reserved for them.

So, yes, I question their patriotism.

Douglas V. Gibbs said...

Walter Reed is truly a travesty, and as a veteran that uses the VA system, I understand the necessity that Veterans Affair's make sure their facilities are up to snuff. The Left has realized this truth and have jumped on the badwagon, but not because they really feel so much concern for the veterans, but because politically it is a wise move. Liberals do nothing for any reason other than to obtain the White House. As for the women of Code Pink, they remind me of radical communists of Europe. Fact is, their passion of anti-war sediment will be their downfall if they get their wish because in the face of Sharia Law, they would be among the first to be hung or beheaded. And as Always on Watch said, I truly question their patriotism when they perform activities that are not in the best interest of this nation.

prying1 said...

re: "When Supervisor Gerardo Sandoval foolishly stated on "Hannity and Colmes" in 2006 that "the United States should not have a military," that pretty much said it all…"

LMAO - How long would the US be without 'a military'? - Only it would belong to some other country not ours...

Hey Douglas - Don't know it the words 'anti-war sediment' was a typo or not but it sure did fit.

Anonymous said...

They'll never give up but they'll never win.

Anonymous said...

AOW says: "Leftistas were wearing kaffiyehs and carrying the flags of other countries." That shows their true feelings, doesn't it Phil?

Marie's Two Cents said...

I too attended Gathering Of Eagles back in March and the Pinkos are the stragest group I have ever seen.

Radical YES!

They have NO BUSINESS doing a damn thing at Walter Reed.

I have a question?

You have Comment Moderation AND Word Verification on.


Anonymous said...

But i need meds man! hook me up wild phil! (just kidding friend!)
Keep up the good posts!

This is daniel formerly of navytown_usa...

You're welcome at my new blog, though it's still a work in progress.
Comment approval will be active until you're preapproved.

Goat said...

May I remind a commenter here that Walter Reed's upkeep is under control of the unions and DC not the military. The military merely staffs Dr.s and nurses, it is not in control of upkeep or upper level bureaucracy management. Want to see what gov't run health care would be like just look at the VA.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I heard Capitan America is coming back!

Wild Phil said...

Hi Friends,

Thank you very much for your words of wisdom and I appreciate everyone's input.

Yes My Friend Daniel I believe that it is slowly. I am still a work in progress because I am learning this blogging thing slowly. I am new to it so it takes awhile.

Anonymous said...

Phil, this is Steph from hillbillypolitics. I get your emails but everytime I reply they bounce back.

I'll be back later to comment on some posts. Looks good!

Been mucking up hillbilly politics, lol.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Have you heard of Code Pink's "bloody hands" incident at the House Foreign Relations Committee Hearing with Secretary Condoleezza Rice?
I have the video up. Despicable lunatics.

O/T I see my link on your blogroll. Thank you! :) Will add your link to mine. I have a little favor to ask though. Could you please update it when you find the time? It is linked to my old site which is closed. No sense in steering the couple of folks that click on it to a dead blog. lol


Wild Phil said...

Hi Steph,

Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate that. Yea I don't know why that should do that with email like that but I guess with technology anything is possible.

Wild Phil said...

Hi Paladin,

Well I didn't figure we were on opposite sides it's just that I had some vids that proved that Israel is quite advanced in the design of weapons systems and defense systems.
They do a lot of their own work on their own.

Wild Phil said...

Hi Velvet Hammer,

Well I intend to drop by and see how your new blog looks then. Yes I have updated it for you and it will take them to the right place now.

Anonymous said...

Have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN Wild Phil!..don't get too wild out there!

Marie's Two Cents said...

My son has told me that too Goat.

Wild Phil is this your main page?

Wild Phil said...

Hi Marie,

Yes this is my main page, I haven't yet updated and added a new article yet but will when my back gets better.